Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Sys WebForms Page Request Manager Parser Error Exception

"If you've used the Microsoft ASP.NET AJAX UpdatePanel control, there's a good chance you've hit the Sys.WebForms.PageRequestManagerParserErrorException error."

This article provides some details on what this error is, common reasons it occurs, and ways to avoid getting the error.

Friday, March 14, 2008


I don't get to dabble in classic ASP much anymore, which is ok with me, but for the first time in years I had to debug some ASP code this morning to figure out an error for someone who is consuming one of our webservices.

The code was as simple as this:

Set MyXmlHttp = Server.CreateObject("MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP") "get", "", False
MyXmlHttp.setRequestHeader "Content-Type", "text/xml"
XmlData = MyXmlHttp.responseText

The error was:

HTTP Error 403.1 - Forbidden: Execute access is denied

Can you spot the problem? "GET", "", False

It might not be obvious what I changed, but simply changing the method from "get" to "GET" fixed the problem.

I wondered if this was a bug but this MSDN article seems to confirm that the method is case-sensitive and must be in UPPER case.

"The HTTP method used to open the connection, such as PUT or PROPFIND. For ServerXMLHTTP, this parameter is case-sensitive and the method name must be entered in all upper-case letters."

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Creating a Data Access Layer with LINQ to SQL

Here's an interesting article regarding the challenges of creating a true data access layer using LINQ to SQL.
It's an older article; however, it covers some interesting questions. I'd recommend in addition to reading the article actually reading through the responses as well at the end of the article.
"... it is absolutely not clear where a developer should draw the line between what’s business logic, and what belongs in the DAL ..."
It seems the primary concerns are what exactly the data access layer should be returning and where exactly the actual query should be executed.
"That is, the data access layer should be returning just arrays of entities (T[] or IEnumerable). It should [not] be returning IQueryable. Returning IQueryable gives you more rope to hang yourself with because (i) the caller (business logic layer) can redefine the query that ultimately gets sent to the database (ii) the caller (business logic layer) now executes the query because of deferred query execution (iii) the distinction between the caller (business logic layer) and the DAL blurs."
If you return IQueryable(Of T) objects from the data access layer the queries are not actually getting 'executed' until you use them later, for example when you enumerate over the IQueryable(Of T) data in your business or UI. So by returning List(Of T), IEnumerable(Of T) or an Array of entities you draw a fine line with what the data access layer handles vs. what the business layer or UI handles.
I've played around with returning IQueryable(Of T), List(Of T), IEnumerable(Of T) and an Array of entities. Each has their own advantages or caveats. My research so far leads me to believe that IEnumerable(Of T) is the preferred approach.
"The main design pattern that arises from LINQ is to prefer IEnumerable(Of T). This is because LINQ operates on IEnumerable(Of T), and if you design your application around IEnumerable(Of T), you will find many places where a LINQ query will provide an elegant solution to your problem."
Here's a couple articles that discuss IEnumerable(Of T) in more detail:
It will be interesting to see how each developer decides to implement LINQ into their projects and how consistent it will be with what others are doing.
"I hate it when developers have to make choices like that during routine development. Choosing takes time, and that’s not likely to improve productivity. But much worse is the fact that different developers will make different choices. Even a single developer may make different choices from one day to the next. That leads to inconsistencies in the code. Developers will spend more time trying to understand the code they’re reading, because it doesn’t always follow the same pattern. That’s bad for productivity. In the worst case scenario, developers start rewriting each other’s code, just so it matches their choice of the day. That kills productivity."
I think having a nice set of standards before fully integrating LINQ into a project is going to be a smart move, especially in team environments.