Wednesday, October 27, 2010

ASP.NET UpdatePanel Timeout

RegisterStartupScript inside UpdatePanel

To use RegisterStartupScript inside of an UpdatePanel use the following:

ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(page, page.GetType(), Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), “alert(‘hello’)”, true)

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Remote Desktop Connection won't maximize

Clicking the maximize button in a Windows 7 Remote Desktop Connection session does maximize the window, but it does not go full screen.

"While in a remote desktop connection session, try Ctrl-Alt-Break. That should force the RDC window to go full screen."

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Google Redirect Virus Removal: Manually Remove the Google Redirect Virus

"The Google Redirect virus can cause real problems for PC users when the virus afflicts their computer, and the virus itself can be difficult to remove, even with tools. However, it is possible to remove the virus by combining manual removal with software removal and clean your system of the virus."

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

How to get the Dell Service Tag Remotely

"Let's say you are a system administrator and you are remotely connected to a server or an employee's computer. You need the system tag for some purpose, such as warranty information. The system tag is usually located physically on the box or server. Instead of driving or getting someone to get the system tag, you can type in a command at the command prompt and get the information."

  • Connect remotely to the computer
  • Go to Start and Run and type cmd and press enter
  • Type wmic bios get serialnumber and press enter

You can also get additional information such as the make and model number:

  • Type wmic csproduct get vendor,name,identifyingnumber