"When you need to analyze numerical data, percentiles are handy for understanding the distribution. Oracle has been providing analytical functions such as NTILE, PERCENTILE_CONT, and RANK since version 8, while SQL Server has been playing catch up. With SQL Server 2005, Microsoft finally added NTILE, RANK, DENSE_RANK, and ROW_NUMBER to SQL Server's T-SQL functions. Unfortunately, the SQL Server 2005 still does not provide PERCENTILE_CONT, and neither will SQL Server 2008. They do, however, feature the new SQL Server Common Table Expression (CTE), which you can use to calculate percentiles."
"This article presents a solution for calculating percentiles in SQL Server 2005 using SQL Server CTE. Based on a solution described in Joe Celko's SQL For Smarties, the idea is to calculate the percentile (percent rank) of each row; if one of the rows has the percentile value that you are looking for, you return it. Otherwise, you perform an interpolation between a value that is slightly more than the desired percentile and one that is slightly less."
I recently used this approach for some new functionality in one of my projects and it really saved alot of intensive and tedious queries to come up with the right value.