Finding Jesus in the Old Testament

I finished this book on December 10, 2017. I had to read through this one rather methodically, but man was it worth it. I'm not sure I expected this book to have such a personal impact in my life, but in working through it the past few months it ignited a fire in me to keep digging. Since opening up this book, I've decided to get a Master of Arts in Christian Apologetics. I start classes on January 22, 2018. I think I've known apologetics is where my passion truly was for the past couple of years, but this book, and many others, have set forth what I hope will be a fruitful journey, and one that will result in bringing others to Christ and making disciples.
"Christ is not mandating a new religion, Paul argues, but is completing the Jews' existing religion and expanding on God's original revelations to them."
― David Limbaugh - Finding Jesus in the Old Testament
"Our omniscient God, of course, always knows where we are, but He wants a relationship with us and seeks us out, and through Scripture He opens the door for us to a relationship with Him."
― David Limbaugh - Finding Jesus in the Old Testament
"The Bible is more than just a collection of moral stories with colorful characters from whose experiences we can learn and grow — its remarkable cohesiveness despite containing sixty-six books written by some forty authors over 1,500 years in three different languages, various literary styles, and diverse geographical settings. There is unity between the books of each Testament and between the books of the Old Testament and the New. There is unity in their structure, their history, their prophecies, their moral messages, the theological lessons they communicate, their revelation of God's unchanging character and divine attributes, and more."
― David Limbaugh - Finding Jesus in the Old Testament
"The overarching theme of the Bible is crystal clear: from first to last, it is Jesus Christ. Though the Bible comprises many diverse books with different stories, it is ultimately one story of God's redemptive plan for man, who He created purposely in His image, for His glory, and for a personal relationship with Himself. The thirty-nine books of the Old Testament are united by a common thread centered on God's promise to redeem mankind, and this thread continues throughout the New Testament, where that promise is fulfilled and questions are answered."
― David Limbaugh - Finding Jesus in the Old Testament
"Understanding the Bible's unity couldn't be more important, yet some Christians regularly read portions of the Bible throughout their entire lifetimes without grasping the book as a whole. This is not to imply you must read the Bible from cover to cover to benefit from it — in fact, you can open the Bible to any page and profit by whatever portion you read. But your experience with God's Word will be greatly enhanced if you understand clearly how the Bible's individual books come together to form one dazzling, integrated work."
― David Limbaugh - Finding Jesus in the Old Testament
"The entire Bible, not just the New Testament, centers on Jesus Christ, our Savior."
― David Limbaugh - Finding Jesus in the Old Testament
"The New Testament does not begin from scratch — it builds on the Old."
― David Limbaugh - Finding Jesus in the Old Testament
"The Old Testament prepares our hearts for the revelations of the New Testament."
― David Limbaugh - Finding Jesus in the Old Testament
"Many Christians are understandably intimidated by the Old Testament, with its bouts of extreme violence, its seemingly endless genealogies, and its arcane names and places. But we should not be discouraged because rich rewards await those who study it diligently, knowing it is every bit as divinely inspired as the New Testament."
― David Limbaugh - Finding Jesus in the Old Testament
"The Old Testament is a literary document that includes a written record of redemptive history. It provides a historical account of the legal contract God entered into with the Israelites at Mt. Sinai, which formed the basis of God's relationship to the nation of Israel. This contract is called the Old Covenant. The New Testament is also a literary document that includes the history of the early Christian Church. It records, among other things, the institution of a new contract between God and His people, which benefits all mankind. This contract is called the New Covenant and its mediator is Jesus Christ. The New Covenant supersedes the Old Covenant, but that doesn't mean the New Testament supersedes the Old Testament, and we should be mindful of this distinction."
― David Limbaugh - Finding Jesus in the Old Testament
"But the fact that Jesus fulfilled the Law means, by definition, that He didn't negate it."
― David Limbaugh - Finding Jesus in the Old Testament
"The Bible is clear throughout that God is unchanging and that He is one God, not two. The God Who speaks and reveals Himself to us in the Old Testament is the same God Who does so in the New."
― David Limbaugh - Finding Jesus in the Old Testament
"Ultimately, the Old Testament presents God's grace, love, mercy, and patience on an epic scale."
― David Limbaugh - Finding Jesus in the Old Testament
"Christians who deny that the Old Testament is the inspired Word of God face an unsolvable problem: the New Testament writers and Jesus Himself affirm that it is God's inspired Word."
― David Limbaugh - Finding Jesus in the Old Testament
"As Christians, we do not get to cherry-pick the Bible — it is all God's living, breathing Word. If we are to be obedient, let alone spiritually blessed, we should discipline ourselves to mine the abundant riches in the Old Testament."
― David Limbaugh - Finding Jesus in the Old Testament
"We would have no information concerning the origin of the universe, the origin of man, the beginnings of sin, the birth of the Hebrew nation, or the purpose of God for the world, were it not for the Old Testament record. Every New Testament doctrine can be traced back to the Old Testament history. An understanding of the Old Testament record is necessary if we are to interpret the New Testament correctly."
― Dr. Warren Wiersbe
"Without the Bible, history would be a spectacle of unknown rivers flowing from unknown sources to unknown seas; but under its guidance we can trace the complex currents to their springs, and see the end from the beginning."
― Dr. H. Grattan Guinness
"Though many people believe God acted harshly during Old Testament times, those acquainted with the full scope of this history understand that even when He brings judgement, there is almost always the promise of future redemption."
― David Limbaugh - Finding Jesus in the Old Testament
"Unless we comprehend the reality and nature of sin, and God's attitude and response to it, we won't understand our fellow man or how to govern ourselves in light of our nature. If we don't have a clear picture of God's character as revealed in these pages, we'll fail to see God's justice or His grace in dealing with our sin."
― David Limbaugh - Finding Jesus in the Old Testament
"Only man is capable of sinning, and only man is in God's redemptive plan."
― David Limbaugh - Finding Jesus in the Old Testament
"Though God is absolutely sovereign, He makes human beings accountable for their conduct."
― David Limbaugh - Finding Jesus in the Old Testament
"God's punishment is not just punitive but corrective."
― David Limbaugh - Finding Jesus in the Old Testament
"The Bible is Christ and Christ is the Bible. He is in it from first to last, and it is all about Him."
― David Limbaugh - Finding Jesus in the Old Testament
"If God did not inspire the Old Testament, then we can hardly expect foreshadowings of Christ anywhere in its books. After all, apart from God's inspiration, how would finite men living in the Old Testament times have acquired such an accurate picture of the nature and life of the coming Messiah?"
― David Limbaugh - Finding Jesus in the Old Testament
"The Old Testament as a whole, through its promises, its symbols, and its pictures of salvation, looks forward to the actual accomplishment of salvation that took place once for all in the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ."
― David Limbaugh - Finding Jesus in the Old Testament
"Only the blood of Jesus Christ can permanently remove sin. But these Old Testament sacrifices foreshadow Christ's one-time, perfect sacrifice."
― David Limbaugh - Finding Jesus in the Old Testament
"What, then, is the status of the Mosaic Covenant today? The answer is that it has been wholly fulfilled in Christ and so it has passed away. This does not mean the Ten Commandments of the Law are invalidated — the New Testament restates almost all of them, though the specified penalties for violation and the promises attached to them are sometimes different."
― David Limbaugh - Finding Jesus in the Old Testament
"I find Christ's teachings, the letters of the New Testament writers, and the history and teachings in the remainder of the Bible intellectually, emotionally, and spiritually attractive, and probative of the truth of Christianity."
― David Limbaugh - Finding Jesus in the Old Testament
"God created man in His image, which necessarily means He gave man free will. God doesn't force people to love Him, and throughout all of history some have rejected Him. Love must be freely given, and simply zapping us into heaven would be inconsistent with our free will."
― David Limbaugh - Finding Jesus in the Old Testament
"The most amazing drama that ever was presented to the mind of man — a drama written in prophecy in the Old Testament and in biography in the four Gospels of the New Testament — is the narrative of Jesus the Christ. One outstanding fact, among many, completely isolates Him. It is this: that one man only in the history of the world has had explicit details given beforehand of His birth, life, death and resurrection; that these details are in documents given to the public centuries before He appeared, and that no one challenges, or can challenge, that these documents were widely circulated long before His birth; and that anyone and everyone can compare for himself/herself the actual records of His life with those ancient documents, and find that they match one another perfectly."
― D. M. Panton
"If we search long enough we shall find upon every page of Scripture, standing somewhere in the shadow, the outline of the central Person of the Book — the Lord Jesus Christ, both the object and end of all Scripture."
― M. R. DeHaan
"If we consider the possibility that Scripture really is inspired by God, we will treat the entire Bible with the greatest reverence and respect, and it will not be difficult to see Christ on every page — of both Testaments."
― David Limbaugh - Finding Jesus in the Old Testament
"Throughout the New Testament, Jesus repeatedly and emphatically confirms the Old Testament's legitimacy."
― David Limbaugh - Finding Jesus in the Old Testament
"The idea from the beginning is to provide a means of salvation for all people, but the process involves a narrowing of the biblical and historical focus until the time is ripe for God to become Man and unite both Jews and Gentiles in His salvation plan."
― David Limbaugh - Finding Jesus in the Old Testament
"Christ, even on behalf of all sinners and the very people who rejected Him, will always honor His promise and forgive all who come to Him in faith and repentance, and grant them eternal life. In Jesus, we see the perfect judge, for He brings not merely temporary deliverance from present struggles, but eternal salvation from spiritual enemies and obstacles."
― David Limbaugh - Finding Jesus in the Old Testament
"Jesus is, in fact, the Consummate Mediator who bridges the gap between our wretched sinfulness and God's perfect justice. He is the One Who, having lived a sinless life as human being and as God, reconciles God's perfect love with His perfect mercy by taking our sins upon Himself on the cross."
― David Limbaugh - Finding Jesus in the Old Testament
"We Christians find our values rejected and scorned in society, but that doesn't relieve us of the responsibility to promote those values to unreceptive ears and to preach the Gospel at home and to the ends of the earth."
― David Limbaugh - Finding Jesus in the Old Testament
"We Christian readers of the Old Testament must be forever mindful that in the Bible God not only unfolds the progressive revelation of His salvation history, but that He is always superintending history and directing it toward its final conclusion in Jesus Christ."
― David Limbaugh - Finding Jesus in the Old Testament
"We Christians have an advantage over our Old Testament brothers in that we have read the rest of the story, and we also have the entire Old Testament laid out before us in a way that demonstrates the continuity and integrity of God's plan — both in revelation and in actual history."
― David Limbaugh - Finding Jesus in the Old Testament
"One is not righteous because he goes through the motions of external obedience to the Law. God looks at the heart."
― David Limbaugh - Finding Jesus in the Old Testament
"God's dealings with Israel in Old Testament times and His record of those dealings in the Old Testament were the indispensable precursor for the arrival on earth of God Himself — our Savior, Jesus Christ. When Jesus arrived, His path had been laid by His many forerunners who, in ways sometimes clear and other times vaguely implied, had foretold of His coming, and the glories He would bestow on all the nations of the world."
― David Limbaugh - Finding Jesus in the Old Testament
"If God intended the Christian Bible to consist of the New Testament alone, He wouldn't have arranged for it to include the Old Testament. But He did, which is all the proof we need of its relevance and indispensability."
― David Limbaugh - Finding Jesus in the Old Testament
"God foreknew that man would sin, and although His perfect justice required Him to judge us, He designed from the very beginning a plan for our redemption. He first revealed His salvation plan in shadowy form and with few details, but with a firm, unconditional covenant to bless mankind. As history unfolded, God, through His dealings with Israel and in turn through progressive revelation in Scripture, amplified and clarified His promise-plan with increasing specificity. What began as a vague but certain divine promise of blessing grew into a guarantee of the Messiah, and ultimately ripened into the appearance of Jesus Christ — God in the flesh — born for the purpose of dying a substitutionary death for our sins."
― David Limbaugh - Finding Jesus in the Old Testament
"It had its origin in divine revelation. It did not rise in pagan political and religious settings; it did not come from reflection on past, present, and future political, economic, military, or religious events, prospects or hopes. The messianic concept was given its first expression in the creation of man and woman as God's royal agents. After mankind's fall into sin, when the royal status could have been lost forever, God intervened to maintain and restore it. He did so by promising and providing a royal mediator who would fully and perfectly restore what had been so severely distorted."
― Gerard Van Groningen
"God knew us before He formed us in the womb. Before the beginning of time He had a redemptive plan for us. This plan, grounded in God's irrevocable promises and culminating in Jesus Christ, His Son, is plainly revealed for all students of Scripture. We must cherish the entire Bible, as it is our roadmap to eternal salvation."
― David Limbaugh - Finding Jesus in the Old Testament
"Jesus Christ lives and He saves, and because He saves we may live."
― David Limbaugh - Finding Jesus in the Old Testament