The Spirit of the Disciplines

The Spirit of the Disciplines: Understanding How God Changes Lives

By Dallas Willard

I read this book in March 2016. I was introduced to Dallas Willard while reading Soul Keeping: Caring For the Most Important Part of You. This is an amazing book that will make you re-think about your relationship with God, and will arm you with the knowledge and desire to want to take your spiritual and self-transformation more seriously.

"The secret of the easy yoke, then, is to learn from Christ how to live our total lives, how to invest all our time and our energies of mind and body as he did. We must learn how to follow his preparations, the disciplines for life in God's rule that enabled him to receive his Father's constant and effective support while doing his will."
― Dallas Willard - The Spirit of the Disciplines: Understanding How God Changes Lives
"The secret of the easy yoke is simple, actually. It is the intelligent, informed, unyielding resolve to live as Jesus lived in all aspects of his life, not just in the moment of specific choice or action."
― Dallas Willard - The Spirit of the Disciplines: Understanding How God Changes Lives
"The “pen” is mighter than the sword because it teaches the deeper dimensions of us and our world."
― Dallas Willard - The Spirit of the Disciplines: Understanding How God Changes Lives
"Praying with frequency gives us the readiness to pray again as needed from moment to moment. The more we pray, the more we think to pray, and as we see the results of prayer — the responses of our Father to our requests — our confidence in God's power spills over into other areas of our life."
― Dallas Willard - The Spirit of the Disciplines: Understanding How God Changes Lives